Medical Imaging at Affordable Rates
A&E Diagnostic Imaging offers a wide variety of quality medical images. We offer MRI and CT. Furthermore, the CT scanner is low-dose radiation for safer and better images. Our MRI is extra wide and able to carry up to 550 lbs to provide optimal comfort for all patients during the imaging process. Come in today and our Radiologists will report on the SAME day.
DISCLAIMER: This information should be used as a reference and not a substitution for a professional medical opinion.
Read about our different images below:
MRI is offered with/without contrast with pricing starting at $450-490. These include the brain, spine, kidney, neck, abdomen, pelvis, joints, and extremities.
CTs are offered with/without contrast for Chest, Abdomen, and Pelvis. The pricing starts at $250-300 for Chest and for $500 -550 for Abdomen and Pelvis